4 Common Skin Cancer Symptoms

Most Common Skin Cancer Symptoms

Protecting your skin is one of the best ways to stop skin cancer. Wearing sunscreen, UV protection clothing, sunglasses, and getting regular checkups are all important. Nearly 65,000 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every year, and while adequate protection is the first line of defense, being able to recognize skin cancer symptoms is also important.

If caught early, you can begin treatment right away. In this article we will cover four common skin cancer symptoms so you can know how to recognize the signs and symptoms. Read on to learn more.

New Growth

Your skin is a constantly changing part of your body. From birth to old age, the outer layer of your body is exposed to countless attacks from countless predators, so it continuously adjusts to protect and heal itself.

These facets of your skin are perfectly normal and healthy, but every so often you might encounter a change to your skin that is not normal. If you notice a new growth developing somewhere on your skin, it might indicate skin cancer.

Any growth that is new or changing deserves your attention and a doctor’s appointment to have an expert assess what the new growth is and what it means for your health.

Change in Sensations

Is part of your body starting to feel odd? It could be a sign of skin cancer.

A new pain, itch, or sensitivity could be a sign that something serious is happening within your body. If you cannot quickly explain why this change is occurring, be sure to meet with an expert for clarity.

Slow Healing Sores

Your skin has the remarkable ability to heal itself to repair the damage it sustains throughout the day. Different parts of the body and different types of injuries will heal at individualized rates, but if you find something healing very slowly on your body, it could mean skin cancer.

Be sure to consider other explanations for your slow healing. Other medicals conditions, like diabetes, can result in slower rates of healing, so be sure to take your overall medical health into consideration.

Watch and track the healing process and consult with your doctor when the progression is too slow for your comfort.

Changes in a Mole

Most people have at least a few moles on their body from birth, and these skin variations are usually stable and harmless. People even find them desirable and refer to them as beauty marks.

Moles are only a cause for concern when they begin to change. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention devised an alphabetical system for learning about 5 types of concern mole changes. They are:


Think about a square. Squares are symmetrical because you can fold them in half by length and width, and they are always even.

The safest moles are this way as well. Any mole that is perfectly circular or symmetrical is normally no cause for concern.

Problems arise when the mole is uneven and asymmetrical. A mole with different looking parts warrants a call to the doctor.


Safe moles not only have symmetry but they also they have clear regular borders. Can you plainly see a clean-cut area that separates your mole from the rest of your skin, or is the difference not as clear?

Having borders that are vague, jagged, or irregular signify something could be wrong with the area. Attend to the area to note any changes over time.


This item is pretty simple. What is the color of your mole?

Anything from light to dark brown is considered normal for a mole. Having a mole that is red, yellow, or black in color might be your body’s way of telling you something is amiss.

You might even notice the color of your mole is changing. Perhaps it was darker before but, now it is getting lighter with time.

Whether your color is changing or static, it’s something to watch out for.

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When it comes to moles, size does matter. Small moles are generally harmless while larger ones are a cause for concern.

The guidepost for judging small from large is a pea. Any mole on your body the size of a pea or larger is viewed to be a possible danger.

Take some time to measure and document the location and size of your moles to stay safe.


Evolution helps things get stronger and more resilient, which is a fantastic quality most of the time. Not for moles, though, as an evolving mole is an unsafe mole.

If your mole is getting bigger, changing color, changing shape, or protruding from your skin more, your mole is evolving. Now is the time to schedule a skin check with your primary care physician or dermatologist to assess and possibly biopsy the area to discover the cancer risk.

Skin Cancer Symptoms and You

If you suspect any changes to your skin or the above-mentioned skin cancer symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible to discuss next steps and treatment options.

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